Network training exercises have improved some physical abilities and taught some football skills to students

Network training exercises have improved some physical abilities and taught some football skills to students


  • A. T Abbas Hamid Hussein Faculty of Education-Mustansiriya University, Iraq
  • P. Dr. Ismail abdezid Ashour Faculty of Education-Mustansiriya University, Iraq
  • P.Dr. Emad Tohme Rady Faculty of Education-Mustansiriya University, Iraq

Ключевые слова:

net exercises, physical exercises, skills, football skills


The research aimed to develop network training exercises and study their impact on improving some physical abilities and learning football skills for students. The researchers used the experimental approach because it suits the nature of the problem, and the experimental approach was used in the manner of two equal experimental and control groups






Как цитировать

Network training exercises have improved some physical abilities and taught some football skills to students. (2024). Proximus Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education, 1(7), 47-60.

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