Optimization of the training plan based on the assessment of the functional state of the athletes

Optimization of the training plan based on the assessment of the functional state of the athletes


  • Khaydarov Ulugbek Rustamovich Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute Teacher of the Department of physical education and sports
  • Muzaffarova Sabrina Mirshod Qizi Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute Student of the Faculty of Physical Culture


level of physical capabilities, correlation communication, parameters, fat mass


in the stage of Evolution Development, Morpho–functional characteristics of the human body are formed gradually in a consistent way, while in sports where intensive physical exercise is required to be carried out continuously, these heavy loads and their qualitative and quantitative indicators change rapidly. Such rapid change can lead to functional disorders in the human body and cause the origin of various diseases. For this reason, the fixation on heavy physical loads and the identification of functional changes that occur in the body under its influence requires, first of all, the improvement of the adaptation process of the athlete's body, the level of tension and fatigue, the reevaluation of indicators of speed, endurance, working capacity and the perfection of recovery measures.







Optimization of the training plan based on the assessment of the functional state of the athletes. (2024). Proximus Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education, 1(4), 36-40. https://proximusjournal.com/index.php/PJSSPE/article/view/42

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